# finpie
- 링크/문서 : pypi.org/project/finpie/#A2
- 용도 : 재무/경제 데이터를 다운로드 가능
MarketWatch, The Motley Fool, Finviz와 Macrotrends 사이트에서 데이터 스크랩할 수 있는 함수 제공
. Company Fundamental data : 야후 파이낸스, finbiz 및 OBOE 에서 재무 Data 수집
. Economic data : OECD database에서 수집,
. news module : 과거의 뉴스 해드라인을 수집 : FT, NYT, WSJ, Barrons, Seeking Alpha, Reuters 에서
. other : 모든 나스닥 종목의 ticker 와 시세 가져오기 가능
# Required
- 파이썬 버전 : Python3
- 구글크롬 버전 : 85.*.****.*** 이상 버전 필요(Selenium 관련 일부 기능 사용을 위함)
- 구글 크롬 87 버전을 써야지 수행이 가능한 함수가 존재함.
Failed to start driver: Message: session not created:
This version of ChromeDriver only supports Chrome version 87
- Selenium은 방화벽과 함께 Chrome 사용 못할 수 있음.
# Module & Method
Output | Data Output | Runtime |
Company Fundamentals | ||
fd = Fundamentals( ticker, source, freq ) | ||
<u>Financial statements</u> | ||
up to 2005 | Slow, depends on source | |
up to 2005 | Slow, depends on source | |
up to 2005 | Slow, depends on source | |
<u>Financial ratios and key metrics</u> | ||
up to 2005 | Slow | |
Most recent data | Fast | |
<u>Earnings and revenue estimates</u> | ||
Most recent data | Fast | |
Recent trend | Fast | |
4 quarters | Fast | |
Most recent data | Fast | |
Most recent data | Fast | |
<u>Earnings call transcripts</u> | ||
up to 2018 | Slow | |
<u>Insider transactions and analyst ratings</u> | ||
Most recent data | Fast | |
Most recent data | Fast | |
<u>ESG data</u> | ||
Most recent data | Fast | |
Most recent data | Fast | |
<u>Company profile</u> | ||
Most recent data | Fast | |
Most recent data | Fast | |
Price data | ||
Timeseries | Fast | |
Most recent data | Fast | |
Most recent data | Fast | |
Timeseries | Very slow | |
Any date | Fast | |
Economic data | ||
OECD Data | ||
oecd = OecdData( country_code, **args ) | ||
<u>Composite leading indicators</u> | ||
Timeseries | Not that slow | |
Timeseries | Not that slow | |
Timeseries | Not that slow | |
<u>Financial indicators</u> | ||
Timeseries | Not that slow | |
Timeseries | Not that slow | |
Timeseries | Not that slow | |
Timeseries | Not that slow | |
Timeseries | Not that slow | |
Timeseries | Not that slow | |
Timeseries | Not that slow | |
Timeseries | Not that slow | |
Timeseries | Not that slow | |
Timeseries | Not that slow | |
<u>Trade indicators</u> | ||
Timeseries | Not that slow | |
Timeseries | Not that slow | |
<u>Labour market indicators</u> | ||
Timeseries | Not that slow | |
<u>Price indices</u> | ||
Timeseries | Not that slow | |
Timeseries | Not that slow | |
Timeseries | Not that slow | |
Timeseries | Not that slow | |
<u>Business tendency and consumer opinion </u> | ||
Timeseries | Not that slow | |
Timeseries | Not that slow | |
<u>National accounts </u> | ||
Timeseries | Not that slow | |
Timeseries | Not that slow | |
Timeseries | Not that slow | |
Timeseries | Not that slow | |
Timeseries | Not that slow | |
Timeseries | Not that slow | |
Timeseries | Not that slow | |
<u>Production and sales </u> | ||
Timeseries | Not that slow | |
Timeseries | Not that slow | |
Timeseries | Not that slow | |
Timeseries | Not that slow | |
Timeseries | Not that slow | |
Timeseries | Not that slow | |
<u>OECD Business Tendency Survey </u> | ||
Timeseries | Not that slow | |
Timeseries | Not that slow | |
Timeseries | Not that slow | |
<u>OECD Balance of Payments </u> | ||
Current Account | ||
Timeseries | Not that slow | |
Timeseries | Not that slow | |
Timeseries | Not that slow | |
Financial account | ||
Timeseries | Not that slow | |
Timeseries | Not that slow | |
Timeseries | Not that slow | |
Timeseries | Not that slow | |
Timeseries | Not that slow | |
Timeseries | Not that slow | |
EIA Data | ||
eia = EiaData() | ||
Timeseries | Not that slow | |
<u>Weekly balances</u> | ||
Timeseries | Not that slow | |
Most recent data | Not that slow | |
<u>Crude oil supply</u> | ||
Timeseries | Not that slow | |
Timeseries | Not that slow | |
Timeseries | Not that slow | |
Timeseries | Not that slow | |
<u>Refining and Processing</u> | ||
Timeseries | Not that slow | |
Timeseries | Not that slow | |
Timeseries | Not that slow | |
Timeseries | Not that slow | |
Timeseries | Not that slow | |
Timeseries | Not that slow | |
<u>Imports and Exports</u> | ||
Timeseries | Not that slow | |
Timeseries | Not that slow | |
Timeseries | Not that slow | |
Timeseries | Not that slow | |
<u>Stocks</u> | ||
Timeseries | Not that slow | |
Timeseries | Not that slow | |
Timeseries | Not that slow | |
Timeseries | Not that slow | |
<u>Consumption and sales</u> | ||
Timeseries | Not that slow | |
Timeseries | Not that slow | |
Timeseries | Not that slow | |
News data | ||
news = NewsData( ticker, keyword_string ) | ||
Timeseries | Slow | |
Timeseries | Very slow | |
Timeseries | Very slow | |
Timeseries | Very slow | |
Timeseries | Very slow | |
Timeseries | Slow | |
Timeseries | Very slow | |
Other data | ||
List of stock tickers | Fast | |
List of stock tickers | Slow | |
Timeseries | Not that slow |
# 주의 (반드시 필독)
● 실제 함수명이 문서와 상이한것
fd.earnings_estimates(Ticker) → 실제로는 fd.earnings_estimate(Ticker) 로 동작함.
fd.earnings_estimates_trends() → 실제로는 fd.earnings_estimate_trends() 로 동작함
fd.ratios() → 실제로는 fd.ratio() 로 동작함
● 구글 87버전이 필요한 함수 (다른버전 안되고 87버전만 가능)
● 특히 fd.ratio() 같은 경우에는
finpie.Fundamentals('AAPL') 이렇게 해야 동작함.
티커 뒤에 다른 파라미터 넣으면 사용불가
# Method 설명 및 사용 방법
# 전체 Module 간략 요약
# [Module] Company Fundamentals
import finpie
fd = finpie.Fundamentals(ticker, source, freq)
# [Module] Price data
import finpie.price_data
# [Module] Economic
import finpie.economic_data
### [Sub Module] OECD Data
import finpie.economic_data.oecd_data
oecd = OecdData( country_code, **args )
### [Sub Module] EIA Petroleum Data : 석유 데이터
import finpie.economic_data.eia_data
eia = EiaData()
# [Module] News data
import finpie.NewsData
news = NewsData( ticker, keyword_string )
# Other data
cftc( report_type = 'futures_traders', year = 2000 )
# Module 세부 분석
● Company Fundamental data
# finpie.Fundamentals(ticker, source='macrotrends', freq='A')
Macrotrends는 Selenium 에서 실행되며 웹사이트가 때때로 로드되지 않을 수 있음.
import finpie # or import finpie.fundamental_data
fd = finpie.Fundamentals(ticker, source, freq)
# source : 'yahoo', 'marketwatch', 'macrotrends' (default : 'macrotrends')
# freq : 'A'(annual data) or 'Q'(quarterly data) (default : 'A')
# default key metrics for marketwatch and macrotrends come from Finviz
# Financial statements / ratios (구글 87버전이 필요)
# Financial statements
# Financial ratios and key metrics
# key_metrics
1. yahoo 에서 가져오기
fd = finpie.Fundamentals('AAPL','yahoo')
... (생략)
shares_outstanding float %_held_by_insiders \
2021-03-20 1.679000e+10 1.677000e+10 0.0007
beta_(5y_monthly) 1.25
52-week_change 1.1031
sandp500_52-week_change 0.6526
52_week_high 145.09
52_week_low 53.15
50-day_moving_average 128.0
200-day_moving_average 123.07
avg_vol_(3_month) 110580000.0
avg_vol_(10_day) 108930000.0
shares_outstanding 16790000000.0
float 16770000000.0
%_held_by_insiders 0.0007
%_held_by_institutions 0.5966
shares_short_(feb_25_2021) 100800000.0
short_ratio_(feb_25_2021) 0.97
short_%_of_float_(feb_25_2021) 0.006
short_%_of_shares_outstanding_(feb_25_2021) 0.006
shares_short_(prior_month_jan_28_2021) 91860000.0
forward_annual_dividend_rate 0.82
forward_annual_dividend_yield 0.0068
trailing_annual_dividend_rate 0.81
trailing_annual_dividend_yield 0.0067
5_year_average_dividend_yield 1.42
payout_ratio 0.2177
dividend_date Feb 10 2021
ex-dividend_date Feb 04 2021
last_split_factor 4:1
last_split_date Aug 30 2020
fiscal_year_ends Sep 25 2020
most_recent_quarter_(mrq) Dec 25 2020
profit_margin 0.2174
operating_margin_(ttm) 0.2525
return_on_assets_(ttm) 0.1336
return_on_equity_(ttm) 0.8209
revenue_(ttm) 294140000000.0
revenue_per_share_(ttm) 17.13
quarterly_revenue_growth_(yoy) 0.214
gross_profit_(ttm) 104960000000.0
ebitda 85160000000.0
net_income_avi_to_common_(ttm) 63930000000.0
diluted_eps_(ttm) 3.69
quarterly_earnings_growth_(yoy) 0.293
total_cash_(mrq) 76830000000.0
total_cash_per_share_(mrq) 4.58
total_debt_(mrq) 112040000000.0
total_debtequity_(mrq) 169.19
current_ratio_(mrq) 1.16
book_value_per_share_(mrq) 3.94
operating_cash_flow_(ttm) 88920000000.0
levered_free_cash_flow_(ttm) 66890000000.0
ticker AAPL
reference_date no_of_analysts avg_estimate low_estimate high_estimate year_ago_sales sales_growth_(yearest)
2021-03-19 Current Qtr. (E6ar 2021) 27.0 7.692000e+10 7.079000e+10 8.319000e+10 5.831000e+10 0.319
2021-03-19 Next Qtr. (Jun 2021) 25.0 6.883000e+10 6.171000e+10 7.704000e+10 5.969000e+10 0.153
2021-03-19 Current Year (2021) 35.0 3.334200e+11 3.162700e+11 3.435500e+11 2.745100e+11 0.215
2021-03-19 Next Year (2022) 34.0 3.477100e+11 2.915600e+11 3.865000e+11 3.334200e+11 0.043
reference_date no_of_analysts avg_estimate low_estimate high_estimate year_ago_eps
2021-03-19 Current Qtr. (E6ar 2021) 30.0 0.98 0.85 1.09 0.64
2021-03-19 Next Qtr. (Jun 2021) 28.0 0.82 0.70 0.98 0.64
2021-03-19 Current Year (2021) 39.0 4.45 4.10 4.89 3.28
2021-03-19 Next Year (2022) 38.0 4.68 3.64 5.50 4.45
2. Finbiz 에서 가져오기
아래 3개는 모두 다 동일 데이터 들고옴
fd = finpie.Fundamentals('AAPL')
fd = finpie.Fundamentals('AAPL', 'macrotrends')
fd = finpie.Fundamentals('AAPL', 'marketwatch')
stock_datas = fd.key_metrics().iloc[0]
revenue_ttm = stock_datas['sales']
shares_outstanding(ttm) = stock_datas['shs_outstand']
p_s_ratio = stock_datas['p_to_s']
p_e_ratio = stock_datas['p_to_e']
index DJIA S&P500
market_cap 2029880000000.0
income 63930000000.0
sales 294130000000.0
book_to_sh 3.91
cash_to_sh 4.54
dividend 0.82
dividend_% 0.0068
employees 147000.0
optionable Yes
shortable Yes
recom 2.0
p_to_e 32.44
forward_p_to_e 25.63
peg 2.21
p_to_s 6.9
p_to_b 30.69
p_to_c 26.42
p_to_fcf 30.73
quick_ratio 1.1
current_ratio 1.2
debt_to_eq 1.69
lt_debt_to_eq 1.5
sma20 -0.0249
eps_(ttm) 3.7
eps_next_y 4.68
eps_next_q 0.98
eps_this_y 0.102
eps_next_y 0.0521
eps_next_5y 0.1469
eps_past_5y 0.073
sales_past_5y 0.033
sales_q_to_q 0.214
eps_q_to_q 0.346
earnings Jan 27 AE6C
sma50 -0.0739
insider_own 0.0007
insider_trans -0.0505
inst_own 0.598
inst_trans -
roa 0.194
roe 0.906
roi 0.317
gross_margin 0.388
oper_margin 0.252
profit_margin 0.217
payout 0.216
sma200 0.0362
shs_outstand 16940000000.0
shs_float 16780000000.0
short_float 0.006
short_ratio 0.91
target_price 151.75
52w_range 53.15 - 145.09
52w_high -0.173
52w_low 1.2575
rsi_(14) 41.49
rel_volume 1.67
avg_volume 110690000.0
volume 184768356.0
perf_week -0.0086
perf_month -0.0749
perf_quarter -0.0612
perf_half_y 0.0875
perf_year 0.9608
perf_ytd -0.0957
beta 1.23
atr 3.72
volatility 2.34E-2 3.09E-2
prev_close 120.53
price 119.99
change -0.0045
analyst들의 평가 (Finviz)
# fd.analyst_ratings()
action rating_institution rating price_target
2021-03-20 Reiterated Needham Buy $140 → $170
2021-03-20 Reiterated Monness Crespi & Hardt Buy $144 → $170
2021-03-20 Reiterated Canaccord Genuity Buy $150 → $155
2021-03-20 Reiterated Wedbush Outperform $160 → $175
2021-03-20 Reiterated Cowen Outperform $133 → $153
2021-03-20 Reiterated Morgan Stanley Overweight $144 → $152
2021-03-20 Reiterated Canaccord Genuity Buy $145 → $150
2021-03-20 Reiterated Morgan Stanley Overweight $136 → $144
2021-03-20 Reiterated Wedbush Outperform $150 → $160
2021-03-20 Upgrade Loop Capital Hold → Buy $110 → $131
2021-03-20 Resumed Atlantic Equities Overweight $150
2021-03-20 Reiterated Citigroup Buy $112.50 → $125
2021-03-20 Reiterated Jefferies Buy $116.25 → $135
2021-03-20 Reiterated Needham Buy $112.50 → $140
2021-03-20 Reiterated Oppenheimer Outperform $105 → $125
2021-03-20 Reiterated JP Morgan Overweight $115 → $150
2021-03-20 Reiterated Cowen Outperform $530 → $133
2021-03-20 Reiterated Monness Crespi & Hardt Buy $117.50 → $144
2021-03-20 Reiterated Wedbush Outperform $515 → $600
2021-03-20 Reiterated Cowen Outperform $470 → $530
● Price Data
open high low close adj_close volume
1980-12-12 0.128348 0.128906 0.128348 0.128348 0.100922 469033600.0
1980-12-15 0.122210 0.122210 0.121652 0.121652 0.095657 175884800.0
1980-12-16 0.113281 0.113281 0.112723 0.112723 0.088636 105728000.0
1980-12-17 0.115513 0.116071 0.115513 0.115513 0.090830 86441600.0
1980-12-18 0.118862 0.119420 0.118862 0.118862 0.093463 73449600.0
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2021-03-15 121.410004 124.000000 120.419998 123.989998 123.989998 92403800.0
2021-03-16 125.699997 127.220001 124.720001 125.570000 125.570000 114740000.0
2021-03-17 124.050003 125.860001 122.339996 124.760002 124.760002 111437500.0
2021-03-18 122.879997 123.180000 120.320000 120.529999 120.529999 121229700.0
2021-03-19 119.900002 121.430000 119.675003 120.214996 120.214996 50705960.0
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